Notes from a GovStrategist

Are You Creating Public Value?
Leadership, Public Value Micah Intermill Leadership, Public Value Micah Intermill

Are You Creating Public Value?

In public service, the tension between "low cost" and "best value" is more than just a budgetary choice—it's a question of purpose. Are we clinging to outdated, minimalist views of government, or are we embracing its potential to create meaningful Public Value? If we focus solely on cutting costs, we risk stripping away the very value that public services are meant to provide. It's time to rethink our approach and prioritize outcomes that truly resonate with the communities we serve.

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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Strategic Management Consultants in Public Administration
Innovation, Leadership, Partnerships Micah Intermill Innovation, Leadership, Partnerships Micah Intermill

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Strategic Management Consultants in Public Administration

Engaging strategic management consultants can be a powerful way to drive innovation and improve public services. However, it requires a careful balance to ensure the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. By selecting the right partners, focusing on capacity building, and integrating external insights with internal expertise, city, county, and state agency leaders can leverage consultants to achieve lasting improvements.

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Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 3) – Using Strategic Planning to Enhance Agility
Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 3) – Using Strategic Planning to Enhance Agility

Strategic planning is essential for maintaining focus and achieving goals. It involves setting tangible goals, articulating strategies, and creating measurable objectives. In today’s fast-paced world, organizations need agility and adaptability. As public managers balance the competing spheres of order and chaos, strategic plans can serve as a roadmap to navigate challenges effectively. Regular check-ins ensure the plan remains relevant, allowing for necessary course corrections and maximizing organizational value.

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Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 2) - Maintaining Discipline
Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 2) - Maintaining Discipline

Strategic planning keeps organizations focused and goal-oriented. Effective planning involves setting goals, articulating strategies, and creating measurable objectives. It helps resist distractions from emergent priorities, supports talent development, and boosts employee engagement and accountability. Strategic plans serve as a roadmap, guiding organizations through challenges and ensuring they stay on course to achieve their mission. Use them to avoid detours, enhance staffing, and power your journey to success.

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Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 1)
Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill Strategic Planning, Leadership Micah Intermill

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Planning, and Plans, for Public Managers (Part 1)

Strategic plans can be powerful catalysts for change when done right. While bad planning processes often cause more harm than good, effective ones connect individual actions to the organization’s mission, fostering employee engagement and productivity. By breaking down broad goals into tangible objectives, strategic plans help public managers articulate purpose, driving increased public value and organizational success.

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